From Metro Transit:
Metro Transit has partnered with the cities of Brooklyn Center and Minneapolis, as well as Hennepin County, to improve service on Route 22. Proposed changes include:
Consolidating bus stops for up to quarter-mile spacing (see map below for specific bus stop locations)
Relocating select stops past a signalized intersection to reduce delays
Expanding the no-parking zone around select stops to ensure buses can fully pull to the curb at the bus stop
Adjusting the route alignment and schedule, including:
Reducing the number of branches in North Minneapolis and Brooklyn Center
Eliminating the limited-service branch in South Minneapolis
Installing concrete pads to improve accessibility for customers
Installing new shelters at qualifying bus stops
Take a brief survey to let us know your thoughts about the proposed change, which are planned for August 2022. Portions of Route 22 have also been identified as candidates for BRT implementation through Network Next, while other segments are currently being considered as possible METRO Blue Line Extension alignments. Improvements will be coordinated as each project advances.