From the City of Minneapolis
Notice is hereby given that the City Planning Commission (CPC) will hold a joint public hearing with the Capital Long Range Improvement Committee (CLIC) as required by City Ordinance 97-Or-088, Chapter 35.60 on Thursday, May 12, 2022, at 4:30 pm in Room 317 City Hall, 350 S 5th St, Minneapolis, MN. for the purpose of considering proposed capital projects for the 2023 - 2028 Capital Program. A summary of comments from this public hearing will be included in the CLIC Report to the Mayor and City Council.
To learn about how to participate in this public hearing, visit
For detailed information on proposed projects, refer to the 2023 - 2028 Capital Budget Requests as provided on the Finance Department’s website found at
Previous years’ proposed capital budget requests and CLIC Reports to the Mayor can be found at
For other information, please contact Neal Younghans at