From the Metropolitan Council
The Metropolitan Council is taking comment on an update to the Transportation Addendum to the Public Engagement Plan.

This addendum is responsive to the guidance provided in federal law (23 §CFR450.316) requiring Metropolitan Planning Organizations to develop a participation plan that defines a process for providing community members and other affected parties with opportunities to participate in the metropolitan transportation planning process.
This update ties directly back to the Met Council’s Public Engagement Plan, adopting its engagement principles and builds on its measures for success. The addendum expands and clarifies the definition of historically underrepresented people, includes the Met Council’s adopted government-to-government tribal relations policy, and updates and categorizes engagement methods to align with the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation.
Submit comments
Complete this form to provide comments on the Transportation Addendum to the Public Engagement Plan from May 26 through 5 p.m., July 11, 2022. We will host a public hearing on June 27 at the Met Council’s Transportation Committee.
You can also submit comments through:
Mail: Metropolitan Council, 390 Robert St. N., St. Paul, MN 55101
Public Comment Line: 651-602-1500
For more information, contact senior communications consultant Sara Maaske at