The Ward 8 office, with support from the City’s Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED) department and with the incredible dedication of community leaders from neighborhood organizations, cultural centers, community organizations, and businesses, have worked to co-create a comprehensive strategic planning document that centers the community’s vision for the future of the 38th Street Corridor and our shared community.
The City of Minneapolis is seeking community feedback on the final revision of the 38th Street Strategic Development Plan until Monday, Dec. 7th. Proposed changes would best describe where and how the community wants to grow, based on historical roots, a desire for stronger community vitality, and sustainable economic growth in the future.
Review the 38th St. Thrive! Strategic Development Plan Draft.
Learn more about the 38th Street Thrive! Strategic Development Plan on the City's Website.
Provide public comments to Breyonne Golding ( by Monday, December 7, 2021.
Background on the 38th St. Thrive Project
In 2015, the community held a series of meetings titled “The Future of East 38th Street,” hosted by then Ward 8 Council Member Elizabeth Glidden. Those meetings led to the generation of several ideas, priorities and recommendations from community members.
In February 2019, Ward 8 Council VP Andrea Jenkins reconvened community members to co-create a strategic development plan by the residents, business owners, and neighborhood organizations in the E 38th Street community, in collaboration with the City of Minneapolis’ Department of Community Planning and Economic Development.
In March 2019, a smaller planning committee was formed with community members who expressed interest in driving the planning process from the initial February event, to conduct community engagement and to draft a proposed plan together to share with the larger community.
This planning committee met five times to craft the district's vision, assets, and strategies based on priorities identified by the broader 38th Street community and a draft plan has been developed to share with you all.