On Tuesday, March 15th PPNA launched the first Community Mixer of 2022! Watch the Mixer and check out the recap below.
Things kicked off with a spotlight on Reverie Cafe, co-owned by Kirstin Wiegmann, who joined us to share about the restaurant. Check Reverie out here, and stop by!
Then we heard from Council Member Jason Chavez, who shared what he’s been working on in Ward 9 and at City Hall. Make sure to check out these links:
Ward 9 Events: www.minneapolismn.gov/government/city-council/ward-9/ward-9-events/
Redistricting Updates (no impact to Powderhorn Park Neighborhood): www.minneapolismn.gov/government/programs-initiatives/redistricting/2022-redistricting-maps/
Summer Activities and Programming for Youth: https://apm.activecommunities.com/minneapolisparks/home
Review the Police Union Contract and offer feedback: https://lims.minneapolismn.gov/File/2022-00254
We played a civic-themed trivia game, designed to help community members learn where they can find critical information and resources on the Minneapolis city website. We had several winners from trivia, who all got to choose from a piece of art or some new PPNA swag. One lucky attendee won a $50 gift card to Reverie!
Our partner Ivory Taylor, with the Alliance for Metropolitan Stability, shared an overview of the proposed Tenant Opportunity to Purchase policy, as well as what is missing from the current policy proposal. Learn more here and see her slide deck below.
PPNA Advocacy Updates! We shared a few key updates related to our advocacy around Housing Justice, Equitable Development, and Livability & Safety.
Housing Justice
State rental assistance for renters impacted by COVID ended abruptly on January 28th. Eviction cases have risen dramatically, and many renters continue to face the devastating impacts of the pandemic. PPNA joins other housing advocates in demanding $300 million in state assistance. You can support renters in your community: Call Governor Walz today!
The Renter Support Fund is closed until further notice, as PPNA works to secure additional funding. With the end of state rental assistance, local programs like the Renter Support Fund could be a lifeline for cost-burdened renters. But we need your help! Will you donate today?
Equitable Development
PPNA is part of 38th Street United (38SU), a group working to help secure resources and investments for the 38th Street cultural corridor. This spring, 38SU is organizing a Review Panel to evaluate and score community applications to the Main Street Revitalization Program. This program, administered by the state, provides loan or grant funding to help businesses and organizations recover from the events of 2020. Join us for a Community Info Session on Tuesday, March 29, at 11:30 am to learn more! https://www.ppna.org/calendar
Livability & Safety
In an attempt to contribute to the conversation around livability and safety, PPNA is conducting an analysis of public safety expenditures and outcomes. Smart spending alone won’t create a culture of accountability, but we believe it is a key part of understanding what we need to be safe from harm.
Environmental Justice
PPNA is hiring its first-ever Environmental Justice Community Coordinator! This full-time position is made possible by a collaboration with HOUR Car and the Payne Phalen Community Council in St. Paul. The position will allow PPNA to increase and deepen community efforts to improve environmental and energy justice. We anticipate the new staff member will begin the first week of April 2022. Powderhorn Park has been identified as an area of environmental justice concern by the MPCA. Learn more here.