History, Hurdles, and Hope (HHH), a series of workshops linked below took place in January of 2022. These workshops were produced in partnership with The American Institute of Architects Minnesota (AIA Minnesota), the Center for Sustainable Building Research (CSBR), the Center for Transformative Urban Design (CTUD) – a new nonprofit founded by Paul Bauknight, and R.E.A.C.H Twin Cities – a central information hub created to provide updates, resources and opportunities around community recovery, renewal and wellness. They represent the first phase in an effort to create a shared understanding and a multi-sector change agenda centered on Equitable Development. Over twenty local community stakeholders attended and are now being interviewed individually.
Development has a long history of inequity.
Structural disparities are seen as the largest hurdle to equitable development.
The standard is satisficing, or settling for satisfactory, versus optimizing benefits in development for what the community needs.
We find hope in the redistribution of wealth, establishing reparations for BIPOC communities, investing in youth, and programs doing great work (i.e. Center for Performing Arts, YUIR-TC, Seward Redesign, Pillsbury United Communities, and more!).
What’s Next? There is a sense that we have everything we need right here to make change. Beginning to end = the community drives.
Relevant Resources
Visit REACH's website to stay up to date on news and events centered in racial equity and community health. www.reachtwincities.org
Learn more and get involved with equity in development at 21st Century Development. www.21stcenturydevelopment.org/about/
Learn more and get involved with LISC Twin Cities Community Asset Transition Fund to ensure that local residents and cooperatives can take ownership of properties and land along the Cities’ cultural corridors. www.lisc.org/our-stories/story/lisc-launches-asset-transition-fund-help-twin-cities-build-back-stronger/
Get inspired with the book 'Cities for Life: How Communities Can Recover from Trauma and Rebuild for Health'